Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Here is P his first day of Preschool Here is T here first day of Kindergarten

Present day first day of 2ND grade

And here you have miss T first day of 5Th...yes 5Th grade!

They are getting sooooo big it scares me sometimes. T is so beautiful and I think I am ready to lock her up until she is 21. NO dates or anything of that nature. I know how I was and boy am I in for some BIG trouble!!! She is so much like me its freaky.

I thought it would be a little sad when I dropped the kids off today but then I did it and a wave of relief flowed over me as I was walking out of the the building. A teacher was standing there talking to another teacher and she said woo hoo. So I looked at her as said "that is exactly what I was thinking, Woo Hoo....I don't got no kids!!!" They both started to laugh and I said..."this is going to be a great day." It's so quiet in the house, I can finally sit down and post on my blog and not have to worry about the kids and what they are getting into or NO FIGHTING!!!!!! Yippeeee! I love school! This was an extra long summer with us moving around and it was a well welcomed day! (if that makes any since).

Beside school starting not much going on. The house is coming along. I will post later with pics of that. We close three weeks from yesterday. I can't wait. Right now I have to get up and drive the kids to school and pick them up. Not as bad as I thought it would be. It was a pretty smooth drive to and from. I did have a little incident on Sunday morning. I was having chest pains and my left arm was tingling with major pain in it and my back. So M took me to the hospital and they did all kinds of blood tests, an EKG and my ticker is fine. They kept me overnight for observation and I had to do a stress test the next morning. All is fine I just have heart burn. I never knew that heart burn could feel like a heart attack. It was crazy! But like I said, my ticker is still tickin and its perfect. RELIEF!!!!!! I just have to take Nexium for the rest of my life I guess. Oh well, better than the heart attack!!! Like I said, I'll post some pics of the house a little later! Have a great day all!


Anonymous said...

Good morning darling daughter #2. Yaaaaaaayyyyyy. You actually blogged! Great pics. You're right...she's gorgeous. Boy do you have a long haul in front of you!! What goes
Patrick is growing and changing so fast. I sure wish you guys could move to the Houston area. Is M going to keep that open, or are you where you intend to stay?

Take care and keep your blogging least to once or twice a week! Love you bunches.

Anonymous said...

Love is amazing how time fly's and kids grow. Also how the clothing changes, what happened to the cute first day of school dress and bow.

Gotta go

Janine said...

Yay for a post!!
Love you --- sleep with your side of the bed inclined. See --- now you really need my bed!!!
Love you!!!!

M2K2USA said...

Woe is me...I take M2 to school and GO STRAIGHT TO WORK. 5 DAYS A WEEK BABY! UGH!
Your lil bro is a slave driver! What the !@#$% is up with that??!!!
K in AK