Friday, August 29, 2008

Call of the day????

Ok...where do I begin?? I guess at the beginning huh. Anyway, on the first day of school P tells me about "the call of the day" he has in class. I guess if you show exception throughout the day you get "the call of the day." If you know P and most of you do he is sweet but has his moments. Last year his teacher had to send home a report everyday on how he did and what card he was on. Very rarely was it green. Blue most of the time and an occasional yellow with a red maybe once or twice a month. Needless to say he was a little disruptive in class. He wants to be the class clown, really, he tells me that. Heaven help me. Anyway I got the paper that told me of this "call of the day" The teacher calls you to tell you of the wonderful things your child has done that day to get "the call of the day" and P asked me if he got it could he have this new Star Wars helmet he has been dying for. So me knowing it won't happen any time soon I say why sure!!! Uh yeah....WRONG! I get a call on my way to pick up the kids from school and it is his teacher calling to let me know that not only did he get the "call of the day" but the principle also had to tell her what an outstanding job he did on the playground today helping her clean up all the balls. Also an aid on the playground told her what an outstanding job he did. Not only do you get the call but she puts you on speaker and the kids in his class cheered for him. I know his smile was ear to ear. I am so proud of him. I guess I need to be more careful of what I promise him huh. LOL Oh and when I got the kids from school the Principle was out and she came up to the car and told me how she had met T today and how all of her classmates say how kind she is so she invited T to have lunch with her on Tuesday and the told me of P and what he did today and told me I had awesome kids. MADE MY WHOLE DAY!!!!!! Now if they could just do that at home. ;) What a way to start a long weekend.


Anonymous said...

Wow! How stupendous is that?!? Tell them both how proud of them I am. Way to go, you guys!! Love you all bunches.

M2K2USA said...

We could have told the teacher and principle that! They ARE great and when my family met them this summer, they said the same thing!
Kind AND cute!! Can't beat that!!
Tell them "well done!" from us!
K in AK

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start a new school year in a new school. I'm very proud of both them. I was hoping that they would have an easy transition and it sounds like they are going to do very well.
Now...knowing P (he is a wonderful child and full of creativity and spirit) I wonder when you will get a different kind of "call of the day".

Love ya guys.


(I need birthday suggestions for T)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.