Well here are some pics of the house. First we have the counter top. I didn't think I was going to like it when I picked it out but with the dark cabinets it makes the granite look awesome! I was so excited with I saw it. Like a kid in a candy store.
Here are our cabinets and just a couple of light fixtures. Still waiting for the rest of the granite to be put in.
And here we have the front of the house with all the workers painting away. They all seemed to look the other way when I took this picture. If you can see one guy is walking out of the house but when he saw me he kinda hid. (must not have a green card :) LOL)
And here we have the front of the house with all the workers painting away. They all seemed to look the other way when I took this picture. If you can see one guy is walking out of the house but when he saw me he kinda hid. (must not have a green card :) LOL)
We have our first walk though on the 9TH. (T's birthday) She is going to have a sucky 11TH birthday. She is in a new school, (no friends yet) our oven in the rental house is as old as dirt and does not bake with a darn so that means I won't be able to bake her birthday cake like I do every year or bake treats for her class like I do every year. She is not happy about that. I will have to make it up to her when we move in our new house. They just never really get it though. Oh well...what is a mom to do??
Good job!! Two days in a row! Nifty looking house. I'll bet you can hardly wait. But you have been through this before....this is second brand new house. Must be tough!
Love you gobs.
I can't wait to hear what you think of living there. You definately have a million things going on at different times of the year. Take the kids downtown at Christmas and see the "windows". It used to be Marshall Fields, but I think it is now Macy's. EAch window is decorated with animated dolls or such and each year there is a "theme". (hope I explained that well enough) anyway, if they still do it, you will hear about it. The line to see Santa is like in the movie "Christmas Story!!" no lie! HO! HO! HO! LOL
Then you can take a horse and carriage ride afterwards!!
Keep us posted on the house, and what it's like to be a new "Chicagoan"!!!
Love you!
LOVE IT!!!!!
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