Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's lil Bro all over again!

Except I don't think he ever got stitches. I could be wrong but I did, A LOT. Over the weekend the kids 4 and 5 (1 being the oldest, 2 the get the drift) went to Chi town to help M (my hubby) and the eldest move into a rental home until ours is finished being built. Any ways, back to the lil bro thing. In the back yard is a pretty big pine tree (thank goodness it wasn't a magnolia hee hee) and #5 decided he wanted to climb it and then #4 decided that she could do it too. Well, #5 helped her up the tree and then she couldn't get down but not before #5 made it to the tippy top of that tree. All I could do was stand there and laugh and think back to the time my bro climbed to the tippy top of a huge, and I mean HUGE magnolia tree in our back yard when we were growing up and him calling for help. Then I remembered that at one time he also fell all the way down the same tree. So # 5 at the tippy top and I at the bottom tried to talk her down but God love her she just marches to a different drum sometimes and just didn't get it. Don't get me wrong, she is a bright girl but trees or should I say climbing just isn't her thang. Thankfully no one was hurt and we eventually got her down and she was advised not to climb that again. # 5 reminds me so much of my brother that it scares me. But just like lil bro just to dang cute! They are both very lucky they are still here. :) Well, on another note, our house is still up for sale :( 7 showings in 7 weeks is not a bad average but the hook just isn't catching. I wonder if my sisters Son #2 could bring his net and see what he could do for me. Hopefully it will sell soon. The weather is getting nicer up here in IN so the house hunters should be out in droves. (I hope I hope I hope)


Anonymous said...

Okay...T tattled on P for climbing the tree in your backyard in Indy. Why then would she turn around and climb a tree, surely she knows she doesn't have any monkey climbing skills in her as her brother does. I'm glad she made it down safely, I kept waiting to read the part where she fell.

Also, It is the Saint Joseph statue that you are to bury facing east upside down in your garden to help sell your home. When your house sells you must then dig him up and take him with you and promently display it in your new home.

I'll call you tonight after Idol.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I am now writing what is being dictated to by David....."I am writing to the DHS (or whatever it is called in Indiana)! about what I perceive to abuse!! Too many coinky dinks!! Love you anyway! hmmmmmm."

Ok, I did what was asked of me. If someone comes knocking at your door let me know. I'll injur him badly. LOL
Love you lots!

kdawnmartin said...

You tell him that if he doesn't watch out he will have the wrath of me to deal with!!! Not as bad as my sister but bad enough dnag it!

kdawnmartin said...

Wooo Hoooo dang skippy Bon Jovi Rocks...been there done that and will do it again and again and again...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a statue of ST. Francis???
Upside down, facing the FRONT of your house???
Just throw away the PINK FLAMINGO statue..that might me turning potential buyers off. ???

kdawnmartin said...

But I like the flamingo's do ya really think they are the reason or is it my neighbors in the front yard telling potentail buyers that there are crazy people in this neighborhood or that a horrible murder happened in the house and they really don't want to deal with that?

Anonymous said...

Well...could be that old broken down camaro with no tires and up on cinder blocks on the front lawn...???....NAH!!!!!

M2K2USA said...

If you are referring to the fact that to this day I see the head on my shoulders as a PINBALL, bouncing off every limb the whole way down, knocking every friggin' eyelash I had off...and every time I pass by a Magnolia tree I cringe and curl up into the fetal position and suck my thumb like a baby...and the movie Steel Magnolias makes me think about what it felt like the limbs were made of...well...hardy har friggin' har. Sort of like someone I once knew who didn't know how to ride a horse and decided to see if she could knock a large branch off of a tree with her face!! She's never been able to ride a merry-go-round since!! BAAA HAAAA HAAA!!!!!!

kdawnmartin said...

Ouch! My noes got bloody on that one. But if truth be known it was because of you that the horse ran off with me on his back in the first place. And the limb is still there so HA!

Janine said...

HA!!!!!!!!!!! I have fond memories of that magnolia tree --- and M's lack of eyelashes back then!!! It IS hardy har freakin' har!!!
And, the horse thing --- also a bit humorous, but scarring. Woose.
Love both of you psychos!!!!
P.S. It's totally a good thing that I'm perfect. And I am, just ask mom.

Anonymous said...'s FRIDAY!!!!!
What's up???!!!
Love you!

M and K