Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Yo

Hello all! Again I missed a week but its been a little busy around here. Patrick had a mole removed from his hand last Tuesday (got the results this Tuesday all clear!!) Walking/riding my bike cleaning house, laundry...makes for a busy woman. I am trying to stay active and not sit around on the computer and waste allot of time which I can do EASILY! But on the weight front, I lost 3.2 pounds the week before last and last week it was -.6 so 3.8 pounds in two weeks. Total lost...23.8 my next milestone will be 25 pounds which I hope will be this week. I did however go to lunch with Mike yesterday and was naughty...which we all need to do once in a while. Had an AWSOME salad the dressing was killer and high in points but well worth it...a Thai Peanut dressing and the the dessert which was brownie bites with ice cream. Mike and I split it and it was soooooooooooooooooooooo good. But back on track today. Getting reading to go for my walk outside. I did ride my bike on Monday and went 14 miles. My shoulders are still sore but my butt is just fine (if anyone was wondering.) In the weeks since February 9th, I have only gained once and it was only .4 so hence the title of this post. THE YO I just hope I can continue the YO and not add the other YO back in. Oh and my WW buddy Kris will be here in 13 days I cannot wait. She has already sent me an itinerary of what we will be doing while she is here. The girl cracks me up. We are going to see the Cubs play a night game. I am looking forward to Wrigley Field the oldest Ball Park still around. (I think) Correct me if I'm wrong Kath...I know you know. Have a great week all...I will try and be better about posting.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Skipped a Week...Oooops

Hello all. Yes...I know...I skipped a week. Sorry, I don't know what I was doing but I know I wasn't on the computer that much last week. Didn't even get on my Facebook but once or twice last week. So to let you know how I did last week I gained .4 pounds just .4 so not so bad, with it being Easter and all the the Whoppers and all kinds of chocolate and jelly beans. I worked out 4 days, just not enough to get the .4 off. Oh well. This past week I worked out like crazy 5 days of 75 mins on the treadmill and I for the first time EVER jogged a mile in 15 minuets. I don't know if I will ever do that again but I can say I have now done it. Mike and I celebrated out 6th year anniversary on Saturday going to PF Changs and a moive. I did not count any points Saturday because I just didn't want to know how much I went over. I did however get up on Sunday and got on the treadmill and worked some of it off. Yesterday at weigh-in I lost 2.2 pounds for a total of 20 pounds GONE!!!! Yep 20 pounds out da doe. (out the door) Hopefully never to return. If it does I just won't open the door...I'll show it! Still have a ways to go...between 50 - 60 pounds left but I know I can do it. One of the girls at WW yesterday said I was looking thinner. I told her she should see me naked...that didn't go over to well...I think I lost a friend at weight watchers...some people just can't take a joke. Oh well, what can one do??? I guess not tell someone she barley knows they should see me naked????? Yeah that would be the ticket. Oh well. Time to go and get on the treadmill for my day to begin. Thanks to all of you out there who read and are in my corner! Love you all tons!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Ok, as promised here is what I look like now, to see if there is a change you will have to go to the first picture I posted. I can see one, but then I have to look at me everyday. Mike says he can really see it in my face. there ya go.
Weigh-in Monday was good...I lost 2.8 pounds for a total of 18.2 gone! I still have a long way to go but it's coming off at a rate I was hoping for. Average of 2 pounds per week. NICE! I even had pizza on Sunday and it was GOOD! If any of you ever come and visit we will have to take you to Pieroni's Pizza...It is soooooooo
The kids have a short day today and tomorrow and not school on Friday (parent/teacher conf.) Patrick's is at 3pm and Taylor's is at 3:20 YIPPPEEEEEEE! But hey they are both doing great in school...Patrick got his first report card without a usually does not check! Which is HUGE!!!! Taylor is ready for "Jr High", they start in 6th grade here and she is so looking forward to having a locker. Funny what small things make us happy huh. So I guess I need to close so I can get on the horrid treadmill and get my day really started. Thanks for all of your support you all rock!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week what??

First let me say that my weeks were off. This is week 7 so not only can I not count but I can't loose weight this week either. Oh well, I did stay the same and did not gain so that is something. But I would like to take this opportunity to do a shout out to my best friend who is traveling this weight lose road with me...she lost 3 pounds last a huge Woooooo Hoooooooo to you Kris. She is now one pound ahead of me. (dang it!) THIS IS A GAME AND SHE CANNOT WIN!!!!!! Just kidding...we are both winners and I am not in any way shape or form competitive...stop rolling your eyes Kristien. You know I love you! So that is this week. I am grateful that I didn't gain with two movies,(gotta have the movie popcorn) Blue Man Group a Bulls Basketball game, and only 2 days of exercise. So this is good. Next week will be better...I have already gotten on the treadmill Mon, Tue, and today an hour each day so next week should be a good one. We shall see.