Friday, January 16, 2009

Better late than never!!

Ok...I started this post last Thursday while the kids were out of school becasue it was to freakin cold -27 to be exact. I took some pics to let you see just how cold it was. This first picture is of Taylor blowing a bubble.
If you look close you will see the bubble popped but still there because ITS FROZEN!!!!!!! That's dang cold.

This nice little picture is the INSIDE of our windows in the back of the house...yes that is Ice frozen on the INSIDE...not the outside. Cold?? Uuhmmmmmm Yeah!
These are the french doors going out to the back yard. If you click on the picture you will see the ice up close. I don't believe I signed up for this kinda weather! But I got it none the less.
So there you have it. It gets really cold up here in Chi-town! That was Thursday. Friday the kids were off of school agian becasue it was -22 and yes these are the temps without windchill factored in. If you want to know those...Thursday it waas -57 and Friday -52 Burrrrr!!! But hey today it's supose to get to 33 so we are in a heat wave and the kids wore shorts to school today! Ok, I'm kidding. No coat for me though!!! It's nice out there!

1 comment:

Janine said...

I didn't see that you had made a new (now not new) post .... sorry!!!
HOLY CRAP it's cold there!!!!
Having you been laying out this week during the heat wave?
I love, love, love and miss, miss, miss you!!!!