Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What a morning!

Just so every one can have a good laugh at my expense I will share with you what my morning was like.

Nothing out of the normal, just the same ol same ol. Got the kids up, fed them, got them on the bus and off to school. Didnt' miss the bus today like we did yesterday (yay!) You think that would be a plus and a good start to my day. Uuuh Nuuuh! I found P's cowboy boots that he plays outside in and climbs the mountain next to the Hacienda (spelling?) Any who, it is freeeeking cold outside, (we had snow flurries yesterday) but I can't clean them off in the house soooooooo yes, I have to go outside on the back porch and I am pulling huge amounts of mud clods off of these stinking boots and I notice I left the door open and the heater is on so I close the door. Do you see where I am going with this????? Not only did the door lock behind me, but I am in cut off sweats, a t-shirt, my hair (and it is short) back in a head band and my slippers. Oh and my mom's signature kitchen towel over my shoulder. HOT! Yep I was lookin HOT! I went around to the front door praying that it was unlocked. NOPE! The house was locked up tight. So I had to walk across the street to my neighbors house I have only met once, ONCE mind you looking like I was early for "Trick or Treating" SCARY!!!!!! She was very nice though and let me use the phone to call M so he could drive home and let me in. Needless to say he was not a happy camper and just laughed when he saw me walk across the street. I hope my day gets better!! So you can all stop laughing now.


Janine said...

I love you!

Anonymous said...

T could use that as a Halloween costume!


Love ya!

M2K2USA said...

There goes the neighborhood!
"Meet the Martins"! LOL!!!
Love ya!
K in AK and lil bro

Anonymous said...

What Janine said........ditto! LOL
I love you tons and tons. And I miss you more.